Black-Owned Private Tutoring Resources.

The nation’s #1 Place to locate Black Owned Private Tutoring and Education Resources. Black Tutors of Social Media is simply: Brilliance. Talent. Sophistication. Magnificence……Defined

Why We Exist

Black Tutors of Social Media brings together other black-owned private tutoring resources in one marketplace to serve students globally. The goal is to close achievement gaps for students that all providers of BTSM serve within the community at large. Through six types of community programming,  we will continue to close belief and opportunity gaps as well.

Our Mission

Black Tutors of Social Media was created to address the gap of locating black-owned private tutoring companies as opposed to non-minority owned private tutoring companies and centers globally. With the minority family in mind, we were created to be a safe haven where families could find resources that looked like them and operated like them for their educational and social needs.

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The stakes are high, and our nation’s students need us now more than ever. In a time where tutors have been behind the scenes, they are now becoming unsung heroes for filling in the achievement gaps across the United States. Are you a black private tutor or black-owned private tutoring company that would like to continue to impact students all over? Are you ready to meet the challenge of being one of the ELITE tutoring providers of BTSM? Then, apply to be a part of our team.

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