You would search for a private tutor or tutoring company by zip code, city/state, subject, etc.  and then use the filters to capture what you are looking for. Then, once you find it, the contact information will be displayed so you can contact the tutor or tutoring company directly. Rates will vary

You can click the ‘Find A Tutor’ button on the header, or scroll down on the homepage and click the “Find a Tutor” button.

You can find this info on our “blog” section on our homepage under “Latest News”. You can also find resources for your students on the resources tab up top on the homepage.

If you would like to donate to one of the 6 programs in Black Tutors of Social Media, you can click on the “Donate” tab up top on the homepage. It will take you to the donations page and in the comments, please specify which nonprofit community program you would like to donate to. 

In addition, at the bottom left of every page, you will see a menu structure. You can click on “Donate” there as well. 

You can navigate to “About” and find “Programs” there. Within the program page, you can hit “Donate” and it will also take you to the Donate page.

You will need to first be accepted to be a provider after the competitive requirements are met. 

Once you are accepted, you will need to make a profile for your and your company.  Once the profile is created, you will be able to create and edit your listings and tutors, add tutors, and edit your account as a whole. 

Once accepted, there is a cost to be a provider in the network of which you will be advised of at that time.

Yes, the platform is free to use for parents and students who will be looking for the tutoring services and resources.

Upon registering and being accepted, providers need to be as accurate and specific as possible on their address information or the zip codes that they serve so the directly can accurately find you.

If you only tutor as a hobby currently, you will not be able to apply to be a recommended high level partner with BTSM.

Yes, a mobile application is following after the launch of the organization in Atlanta and Dallas.