New College Rankings


The school year has started again for the ‘20-’21 school year. However, this isn’t just a normal school year, this is the year of the pandemic from COVID-19. Students have been starting off their learning in hybrid modes, distance learning, learning pods, and more. Parents have been trying to juggle work and being a homeschool teacher (which they are not unless that is their 9 to 5 job). Everyone has been in a frenzy. Lots of things have changed from the way people are thinking about education and learning to SAT/ACT testing, to online certificates, and more. More than 1600 schools have decided that the SAT/ACT will not count for admission processes until Fall 2021 for many schools. The UC System just announced that they will no longer require it at all for their entrance requirements….period…. Due to a judge ruling. Education will never be the same. One thing I want to discuss in lieu of the standardized test situation, is the new rankings of colleges.

The world of higher education is confusing at times and there are so many options out there based on academic strengths, weaknesses, personality types, hobbies, and more. Finances play a big role unless you have full scholarships academically or athletically which are factors that drive decisions. To help demystify higher ed and aid, the US News has released its new 2021 Best Colleges Rankings. Let’s see who made the list from more than 1,800 colleges and universities. Due to the pandemic, US News is now ranking test optional schools who do not factor the SAT or ACT into admissions decisions which added about 60 more schools to the rankings. Here are some of the top rankings: #1 – Princeton University, #2- Harvard University, #3 – Columbia University, #4 – MIT, #5 – Yale University, #6 – Stanford University, #7 – University of Chicago, #8 – U Penn, #9 – CalTech, #10 – Johns Hopkins University, #11 – Duke University, and more. You can find the full list here .  Ensure that the proper amount of Pre AP, Honors, and AP courses are taken throughout the high school years to be competitive enough for the schools that you would like to attend. Also, preview Regular and Early decision processes. If you need help trying to figure out what makes sense for yourself or your child, INC Education does offer academic coaching and counseling.