Lorenna Garcia-Bochas, B.S.

Basic Information

Lorenna Garcia-Bochas, B.S.

Tutor Name:

Lorenna Garcia-Bochas, B.S.

Tutor Telephone:

Tutor Address:

Atlanta, Georgia

Tutor Mode:

Lorenna C. Garcia-Bochas has a Bachelor's in Biology from Fayetteville State University and is currently in the Integrative Biology Master's Program at Kennesaw State University. Her tutoring experience is mostly with Middle School, High School and College students. And can tutor anything you need help in including English and Spanish, but I love tutoring Biology, Math and Chemistry. Her teaching philosophy is to see growth in students and a deeper understanding of the subject to where she is no longer needed! She is also a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. She tutors all over the ATL and virtually.